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Ba mhaith linn fáilte ó chroí a chur romhaibh ar fad chuig brainse Craobh na Mara. We would like to extend a heartfelt welcome to you all to North Fingal CCÉ - Craobh na Mara. 


Our branch is organised by a committee of volunteers. All of our staff and committee members are Garda vetted and adhere to the strict child protection policy of CCÉ. Members are required to pay an annual membership fee to Comhaltas Ceoltoirí Éireann which covers insurance. Our classes are for children from 1st class onwards and adults. Craobh na Mara welcomes people with special needs and respects each individual's own learning pace.

It is an important policy of CCÉ to promote the Irish language. We encourage all our teachers to use some Irish and we welcome any Gaeilge from our students and parents. 

Child Protection Policy 2016​



Instrument Loan Scheme 2021 

Craobh na Mara CCÉ, Coláiste Ghlór na Mara, Bóthar na hAille, Baile Brigín, Co. Átha Cliath, K32 WV18

M: 0894899773  E:  FB: craobhnamaracce

© 2022 by Craobh na Mara CCÉ

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